Stay with Me
Su Yu, a high school student who lives a simple life with his father, faces a significant change when his mother remarries a wealthy man, introducing him to his step-brother Wu Bi. Despite their initial differences, Su Yu is a cold and arrogant top student, while Wu Bi is an unreasonable underachiever, their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident.
As they gradually warm up to each other, their bond grows stronger. However, when a heated fight arises, their true identities are revealed...
ps : One of the most heated series for 2023. This is the remake of the series Addicted. Yup, a remake and not a continuation. I have not watched Addicted yet cz they bashed it as BE and canceled it halfway due to censorship. But this remake is rumored to have season 2. They were saying that the ending is the true end following the novel book one. And the couple has a HE at the end of book 2.
So, I will stream Addicted after this, just to do some comparison, and will go to read the rest of the plot in the novel later.
And saying... though China did ban BL series and always bromance live-action series based on the BL novel, this series... is definitely not bromance..!!!!! 😋😋😋